Sooner or later

It is always more thrilling and exiting to have a photoshoot of a story... rather then just a posed plain one. I have been getting more and more studio props and it definitely helps with my farytail project. 

  Photograph should live its own life after it been taken.. and it should capture and guide through its inner strory the one who is looking at it. I'd like to try work in that direction :)

 Having this talanted and extrimily beautiful model made my job a lot easier :)

 We had so much fun!!!

 Can't wait for the next chapter of my story telling photography


When Muse comes my way


Bon voyage

An Amazing Farytail

  It is always more thrilling and exiting to have a photoshoot of a story... rather then just a posed plain one. I have been getting more and more studio props and it definitely helps with my farytail project. 

  Photograph should live its own life after it been taken.. and it should capture and guide through its inner strory the one who is looking at it. I'd like to try work in that direction :)

 Having this talanted and extrimily beautiful model made my job a lot easier :)

 We had so much fun!!!

 Can't wait for the next chapter of my story telling photography



My fancy shoes....


A Pick into our July Trip

Trips are always great and fun. This time we took a long way to MA stopping a lot on the way up. We've been in Hot Springs, VA, in mountains of PA, in woods of VA, Williamsburg, Bush Gardens etc etc :)

I wish I had more time to edit all the photos of our trips and day to day life, but weddings, engagement, families, etc come first :) Anyhow I find a few minutes here and there and enjoy working on our photos too :)


I absolutely LOVE fields with tall grass... I used to love to run through them as far as I could see... but it looked like my little one didn't really enjoyed it :( Well ... maybe next time.


I tried my hardest to show her the beauty of these fields... But I guess she is so used to cut grass around our house and everywhere we go, that she was confused with this real field. Too bad... everything is so not real around us these days :(

 But she definitely liked the tracks :)) And riding the "Daddy Horse" :)

My Summer Part 1

To me summer is the best time of the year... some people would say it's too hot... some may even feel uncomfortable with the heat... but I'd rather bear heat then freeze... For whatever reason summer just gives me tons of energy and ideas :)

All the sudden I seem to be able to to do and accomplish so many things.. unlike during cold, boring and dark winter :(

Feels like everything around filled up with life and beauty... Life is blooming and put its magic spell on me :)) It's just so happy, so colorful, so GREAT :)))


Here are some flowers from my backyard garden. I love sit around them in the early mornings...

And here are my little neighbors :) They built their nest right in one of the flower pots! SO CUTE! We have more... in our mail box! It's really a bird house! We have little ones all over!

And also nice to hang out there in the day... :))

I love this old pot :)

It's so little ... nothing will really grow in it... But it has some character that I just love :)

McGowan Beautiful Family

  It was a great pleasure to take photos of McGowan's  big family. Everyone of them are so nice and good-looking! It was morning at the beach, nice breeze and not too hot yet :) The light could be better if that was in the evening, but we had to do our shoot in the morning. And that worked just fine as well.


I love this shot of boys running to the water ... :)

 They are such a beautiful kids!!


Two Handsome guys :)

" I'm super cute... yep! :))"

Cape Carteret Dave&Jess Wedding

The beautiful wedding of the very good friend of mine. The day was perfect :) Bride and Groom had those special sparks in their eyes that make every shot filled up with some true magic 

I loved taking photos of both of them.

 Right after the ceremony we went to take some photos outside and found this great field! Just what every bride would dream of! PERFECT!

Relaxing morning

I love love love taking photos with Tanya. Besides that she is incredably beauriful she is also very creative, which definitely makes a big difference when you want to take some unusual, fun, "creative" photos.

  She was here for only couple days and thankfully the weather was perfect! We had warm sunny Friday :) It was ton of fun carrying our model "bench" all over the places and hang our clothes all over the trees. I even found oooold suit case from my grandparents! Wish we had more time to use all of the stuff we had.

 Oh, well... next time we will come up with something else and no doubt that will be fun to shoot again!

 Here she is... Beauty Tanya :)


  That photoshoot made me want to leave the bench in those woods and come out every sunny day to lay out there and enjoy the sun and nature..

 So peacful, so Beautiful :)






Egagement, Sienna Italy 2010

Last Fall I took an amazing trip through the Europe. My main stop was Italy. Thanks to my sister, who lives there now, I say A LOT of that beautiful country. And...of course I arrange quite a bit of the photoshoots. People there are so friendly and... I would say open emotionally :)) makes it a lot easier to capture their feelings, which is great for us "weddingly" emotional photographers :)


 This photoshoot took place in one of the old apartments in Sienna. Isn't this one the most beautiful couples?!?!?!

 They are so in love and they are SO Beautiful!

 I was quite lucky to have shoot with them. Unfortunately they really wanted to get photoshoot indoors... Sienna is so beautiful and romantic! Well... their beauty doesn't need any other beautiful surroundings :)

 Next post I'll post couples in the Italian Streets...




Patrizia has an amazing blue eyes!!

Golden Beauty

It took a while to get to these photos. I shot them in Russia in one of the coolest aqua studio. We had so much fun! The models were all so beatuful I had to spent nearly all day there.. ( was really impressed with them)

    Well... little by little I'll get to finish all the photos I took that day. Luckly my models are very patient!

 Thank you all!!

The Christina!

An amazing fun, exiting and very beautiful girl Christina! I absoluely loved taking photos of her... I didn't have to pose her or make her laught... she was so natural, so sweet... :)

Here she is! And there are a lot more to come!!!

Beautiful People (take one) Black Wall

I had a very nice experience working with these beautiful people in More Studio. Although the studio was not really what I had expected... we still made it work!

We had ton of fun with water!!! My models were soaking wet ... dancing under the rain from the roof... :))) I wish I had more time, but unfortunately I have so many photoshoots these days, that I can't really work and edit photos! I loooove doing that! And I can't wait to get creative with what I have shot so far.

So, my dear beautiful people!!! Keep patience and you will be rewarded! I promise!

 Here are just a very few photos from our Aqua Shoot :)))


Engagement at the Mihailovskyi Gate

This is one of my favourite spots in Saint-Pete. I love this park and this beautiful gates, though the there're tons of parks with spectacular gates in the city, I feel something special for thieve ones :) Could be because it's really close to my home and I used to walk here a lot :)

 Anyways I love to take engaged couples and models here. And of course it looks so amazing in the fall! Fall brings variety of colors and I love it!

 They are so in love! My job was really easy :) each moment worth to be catched :)

The Beautiful Dasha!

Saint-Petersburg, Russia - Osen at Ingenernyi Castle

 It was a very beautiful day! So much sun! we had a great walk. City looks so amazing in the fall. I wish I brought all my lenses with me... Oh, well... I had a hugs bag as a carry on anyways... had to carry it across all the world!

  23 hours of travelling ...!!! But it definitely worth it! Saint-Petersburg is truly a dream for the photographer! Can't wait go go for more shoots!!! YESSS  

   My beautiful sister... :) she got really good at modeling for me through the years... Thanks Evelina!!!   

   It was pretty cold that day... But!! She didn't feel that anymore after walking around with only one goal to find more places for better photos... Thanks God it's not that hard in this city :) 

  Looks like she is thinking about her new creation - new sculpture ... :) go go Evelina!!  

  Picking up leaves the the leavfall