Beautiful Williamson Family

  I was so exited when my friend told me about the dock for the photoshoot we were planning with Stephanie. I imidiatly ran to build some origami paper boats. Though it would be so cute if little boy would set the boats off the dock to the stream ;)

 Look how cute they are watching that little boat.

Absolutely Love Stephanie's red pants!!! they are so bright and awesome! ( I need a pair :))

The COOL people :)

The little boy is a picture of his daddy... (with his mom's sweetness though! :)

Here he is!!! Little Tripp :) As cute as it can only be!!!! I think I can take photos of him forever! He such a little model :)

The idea was to have a lot of little paper boats floating around as he was gazing over them ... But :) Little Tripp turned out to be way too fast :))) The second the boat would be in his little hands he would run to the water and drop it! Jumping with laughter and excitement.. We end up giving him one boat at the time... Overwise the "boat joy" could only last us a few seconds :(

With pretty mommy :)

This one is so cute!

And with Dad of course

This is so sweet :)

Such a happy family

A day with beautiful family

I was lucky to photograph this beautiful family. The day was perfect and kids were true little models :) We had so much fun :) Each of them has their own unique personality.

Cate is so beautiful and so naturally graceful! It was just like a gift to have her that day as my model! Her sister Cori is a true angel! She is so unbelievably cute and easy going! My little daughter talks about Cori up till today! She keep on asking to go see her and play with her :) Hope we can do that Miss Cori :)   ... And the little Mr. Handsome is a tough little man :) I was shocked how caring and thoughtful he was about his two sisters!

When I was shooting them on the tree... He was so concerned that his sisters can fall! It was so gentleman like... so sincere and caring...this three awesome kids would put smile on anyone's face!

Here they are... enjoy! :)

Here is farytail looking Cate :) she looks like some charming girl from some magic farytail... sitting on that tree with her book

Don't worry Diane :) there are more of them laying down like this.. I just like this one (with closed eyes) Looks different :) like he is thinking deeply of soemthing :)

Cute Funny and Lovable Cori in her different color socks :)))

Sisters :)


thank you for being so photogenic and easy going :) I loved shooting with you guys!!!


Ksenia the Gorgeous!

 One day I have received this inspiring text with a photo in it from my friend. It was photo of very beautiful woman ... 60's style...

 We got so inspired by that photo, we really started to think of putting things together for some 60's style shoot.

 Ksenia got really serious about the whole preparation. She went and got a bucket of make up and hair products to achieve that look we were going for. I she spent half of the day using her artistic skills to transfer herself into 60's beauty Diva. And she did an amazing job! When I saw her I got thrilled about the photoshoot even more then before! She looked like a true photographer inspiration!

 So, here it is... our fun project! Enjoy!



Little Cheff Emily

Today was rainy raaaiiiny day... I had so many ideas for photoshoot with this little cute girl. Lots of them were for outside though. Well, we had to get creative in studio. And I think it turn out pretty good.

Little Girl was so happy and cooperative! One of the best little ones I shot :) We were shooting for over an hour and she didn't even try to cry at all!

Awesome little cutie


And then... we felt like cooking :) well, backing actually!

And after all our pies and cookies turn our AWESOME we dressed up and ... were thinking of going to the ball :))

Or... to read some old books...

Little Princess Meredith :)

I am so glad I met this charming little girl at the GAP while shopping there! I had no doubt she will make an awesome pictures! Those curls!!!

We picked out some nice location for our photoshoot and it was perfect day too! After about 10 minutes Little cutie was so "in the mood" for modeling! Lol... it looked like she knew what she was doing and she LOVED to look at her pictures in my camera. I guess that was inspiring her for more!

   We found one cool looking old house.. would be great for Cinderella Photoshoot... Unfortunately we only had a few minutes before it got closed... It turn out to be a museum. Ha! :) But we still had some time to get a few shots...

 I definielty coming back there for more creative photoshoots :)

 We didnt' get too sad after the house got closed... The front porch of it was pretty artsy and inspiring as well.. Meredith enjoyed running around it playing sticks and jumping on the srairs :)

 Figuring out what to do next and where to jump... Mmmm that's a tough one :)

Morden Technology

Beautiful Megan

This is one the fun type of shoots :) Models

You get to be creative and just have fun :) Megan is always so full of life! It fills up the whole shoot with laughter. I love taking photos of this beautiful girl


Little ball of energy :) LoeJiro Boy :)

Little ball of energy :) LoeJiro Boy :)

It was ton of fun to take photos of this little boy... He sure kept us running... Us means: Me, His mom, and my nanny as well!

I had a chance to spnap a few shots of Lajira playing with my little Milada. They were playing chefs. SO CUTE!

I am going to post Milada and Lajira chefs photos soon as well....





Danthan and Kevin Wedding (P1. Getting ready)

It was a great pleasure and fun to be a part of this wedding. Danthan and Kevin are trully wonderful people... and they are so in love! I really enjoyed each and every moment of their special day! I coudn't stop taking photos! :)

Getting ready. The beautifu Bride...

It was interesting to learn that Vietnamese Brides change their dresses few times during the wedding! isn't that something! I would love to do that! It is like fashion show... all made of one beautiful girl - bride!!!

Three amazing dresses!

Tieing up

Groom had an honor of helping his beautiful bride :)

 The Shoes!! :))

Isn't she Stunning!!!

And the Ceremony Dress

Little cutie fashion pie

I was so exited to take photos of little Everleigh! She is as adorable as it can be :) We came up with few outfits and they made little cutie look so great :)

Oh.. I lub mommy's shoes! Don't you think they fit me great? :)



Rebecca is an awesome baker! She inspired me for my first backing mission. :) Anytime I try her cakes, pops, etc they are just unbeleivable! No wonder little one coudn't think of anything else while having her mom's cupcake :) No hair piece even bothered her anymore :)


 All little girls looove ballons :)