Little Princess Meredith :)

I am so glad I met this charming little girl at the GAP while shopping there! I had no doubt she will make an awesome pictures! Those curls!!!

We picked out some nice location for our photoshoot and it was perfect day too! After about 10 minutes Little cutie was so "in the mood" for modeling! Lol... it looked like she knew what she was doing and she LOVED to look at her pictures in my camera. I guess that was inspiring her for more!

   We found one cool looking old house.. would be great for Cinderella Photoshoot... Unfortunately we only had a few minutes before it got closed... It turn out to be a museum. Ha! :) But we still had some time to get a few shots...

 I definielty coming back there for more creative photoshoots :)

 We didnt' get too sad after the house got closed... The front porch of it was pretty artsy and inspiring as well.. Meredith enjoyed running around it playing sticks and jumping on the srairs :)

 Figuring out what to do next and where to jump... Mmmm that's a tough one :)

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