My Summer Part 1

To me summer is the best time of the year... some people would say it's too hot... some may even feel uncomfortable with the heat... but I'd rather bear heat then freeze... For whatever reason summer just gives me tons of energy and ideas :)

All the sudden I seem to be able to to do and accomplish so many things.. unlike during cold, boring and dark winter :(

Feels like everything around filled up with life and beauty... Life is blooming and put its magic spell on me :)) It's just so happy, so colorful, so GREAT :)))


Here are some flowers from my backyard garden. I love sit around them in the early mornings...

And here are my little neighbors :) They built their nest right in one of the flower pots! SO CUTE! We have more... in our mail box! It's really a bird house! We have little ones all over!

And also nice to hang out there in the day... :))

I love this old pot :)

It's so little ... nothing will really grow in it... But it has some character that I just love :)
