A Pick into our July Trip

Trips are always great and fun. This time we took a long way to MA stopping a lot on the way up. We've been in Hot Springs, VA, in mountains of PA, in woods of VA, Williamsburg, Bush Gardens etc etc :)

I wish I had more time to edit all the photos of our trips and day to day life, but weddings, engagement, families, etc come first :) Anyhow I find a few minutes here and there and enjoy working on our photos too :)


I absolutely LOVE fields with tall grass... I used to love to run through them as far as I could see... but it looked like my little one didn't really enjoyed it :( Well ... maybe next time.


I tried my hardest to show her the beauty of these fields... But I guess she is so used to cut grass around our house and everywhere we go, that she was confused with this real field. Too bad... everything is so not real around us these days :(

 But she definitely liked the tracks :)) And riding the "Daddy Horse" :)
