It was a very beautiful day! So much sun! we had a great walk. City looks so amazing in the fall. I wish I brought all my lenses with me... Oh, well... I had a hugs bag as a carry on anyways... had to carry it across all the world!
23 hours of travelling ...!!! But it definitely worth it! Saint-Petersburg is truly a dream for the photographer! Can't wait go go for more shoots!!! YESSS
My beautiful sister... :) she got really good at modeling for me through the years... Thanks Evelina!!!
It was pretty cold that day... But!! She didn't feel that anymore after walking around with only one goal to find more places for better photos... Thanks God it's not that hard in this city :)
Looks like she is thinking about her new creation - new sculpture ... :) go go Evelina!!
Picking up leaves the the leavfall