I finely uploaded this shoot! Need to get some more of these shots here. They all just so great! Awesome job with make up Tanya!
Absolutely Beautiful!
The make up just rocks!!!!
This one is one of my favourite :)
Your Custom Text Goes HEre
I finely uploaded this shoot! Need to get some more of these shots here. They all just so great! Awesome job with make up Tanya!
Absolutely Beautiful!
The make up just rocks!!!!
This one is one of my favourite :)
Jamie and Nicholas Beautiful Wedding
Jamie and Nicholas is such a beautiful couple! I enjoyed edited every single photo from their wedding! The place they picked out for wedding was gorgeous!
You guys are awesome!
and thank you Chris for helping me out with this beautiful wedding!
It was awfully rainy day, but nothing can spoil the celebration of great love ...
Despite of grey sky and tons of water falling from the it Megan and Ben had very beautiful
wedding ... I guess rain only add some romantic atmosphere to their special day.
I decided to make this lacy look on this photo...I love it! Megan! you are soooo Beautiful!!!
I think rain definitely added something special ...
Fun ... fun .. fun
This is for sure one of my favourite places to go :)
I absolutely looooove mountains, trees, fields... Asheville is definitely one of the greatest places
to go for all that. I think I go there about twice a year. Hopefully I wll try to find some other place
to have some variety ... when next time I will have mountains hunger ....
... I've been in London this summer, can't say I liked that city. I've been in a several cities of Europe, but! Never seen anything more dirty and polluted then London ...
I'm glad I went there, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to go there unless you've been all over already ..
Though, Stonehenge worth going :) !!!
We had so much on the engagement photoshoot with Amanda and Devin! Amanda getting into
the poses just like if she was a super model! It was very fun to photograph their wedding!
For the "creative" shots we went to Fort Macon and photos turned out great!
I loved that place! It has a lot of history and it is definitely great for photos!
So beautiful couple!!
this is one of my favourite shots!
Love all around.... :)
Fixing the dress
Little Cinderella
Ready to go Parrrty!!
An amazing couple! So much in love!
Amanda and Devin Wedding Album
Alana and Jeffrey Wedding...
Little Angels :)
The day before wedding I found very intersting house, I found it kind of farytial like, so right after the
ceremony we drove there. It was fun to photograph Alana and Jeff there :)
They look so happy! :)
Before the house we stopped at the bridge..
I love this shot of care feet on the sand
It was very beautiful day... unlike all the days before it... Special for Alana and Jefferey
Alana has amazing red hair.. I always wanted red hair, I think they look so different...
Fire.... !!! :)
Getting into the dress :)
I really liked black belt on Alana's dress.. it gave some glamor to her amazing dress
She is just like a real model! It was very fun to shoot with her :)
we drove around and found some cool spots for our "outside" shots and then had a lot of fun
shooting in studio.
Amanda, you are AWESOME!
Sleeping Beauty :)
Here are some Fahion Studio SHots
very Glamorous :)
The Perfect Eve