
Two cute little baby tweens :)

These two are as cute as it can be! It so much fun to take photos of kids! :)


serious little one :)

 His little sister though is having fun... spilling the water :) 

And eatitng candies :)  the candy just don't go in where it supposed to.. it's all over the little Sydney


 your candy is better... it sure looks better!


Radiant Jessica

Anytime I have a shoot with Jessica its not hard to predict the photos will be amazing! Simply because she is absolutely beautiful girl... full of laughter and happiness that shines throw her

These eyes!!


Strawberry drops


... I love rain... the singing water falling from the sky... rustling leaves happily embracing long-awaited moisture... vivifying air that makes me want to inhale it till it hurts...


stunning beauty by ArtSarai Photography

Another photo shoot with incredibly beautiful girl!
 Thank you Tanya for being my model!
 it's always great fun to shoot with you.. and of course there's never a single doubt that photos will be great!
 ( even if we didn't really feel like taking pictures this time :)


Simply BreathTaking Beauty!

Ffascinatingn woman

   This girl is trully beautiful! Moreover!! she knows how to be great in from of the camera. It just comes so natural to her!

THis is the "after shoot" that I usually have with my brides :) When the official part is over we are having some fun...

 It was one the best bride to shoot! Stay beautiful! :)



Isn't she just beautiful!!!


One of the best models I've ever shot!

 Thank you guys for being such a cute and wonderful models :)

Such a great brother...

 the perfect smile!

 Don't cry!

The Charming Tanya


I finely uploaded this shoot! Need to get some more of these shots here. They all just so great! Awesome job with make up Tanya!

Absolutely Beautiful!

 The make up just rocks!!!!



This one is one of my favourite :)

Gorgeous Megan and Ben Wedding!!!

It was awfully rainy day, but nothing can spoil the celebration of great love ...

Despite of grey sky and tons of water falling from the it Megan and Ben had very beautiful

wedding ... I guess rain only add some romantic atmosphere to their special day.


I decided to make this lacy look on this photo...I love it!  Megan! you are soooo Beautiful!!!

 I think rain definitely added something special ...


Fun ... fun .. fun


Baby James

Little Baby James was a lot of fun to take photos of... He just started to smile and it was so cute to see his first smiles :)  He is only three months old, but already has his own character and opinion ...



... I've been  in London this summer, can't say I liked that city. I've  been in a several cities of Europe, but! Never seen anything more dirty and polluted then London ...

  I'm glad I went there, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to go there unless you've been all over already ..


Though, Stonehenge worth going :) !!!