Wine Women and Shoes fashion show

I am so glad I was a part of this awesome party :) I was snapping away all night.. so many beautiful and interesting people!​ Glad I had an assistant! It was a lot to shoot lol ;)


This is absolutely amazing store-boutique located in Lumina Station ..towards Wrightsville Beach... so many cute and girly things!


Fashion show... Beautiful people :)​ and ... beautiful shades... below ;)


Another great boutique Fan Feet ​


Amazing Alan Perry ... not only is he awesome jeweler... he is also very talented auctioneer ... He was so inspiring! I would keep on bidding on anything just because of the excitement he was creating...


Fairy Muse

I really wanted to have a shoot with musical instruments :) and!! my beautiful model Rachel had one! I was so thrilled! We took a walk to one of my favorite locations and sure enough we found a lot of beautiful spots to shoot.


Rachel is definitely one of the best models I ever shot! She has it all... style, beauty and incredible talent to transform in front of the camera... She was amazing!​


You can almost hear the music through the picture...  Rachel made this photos speak...​


I was so happy when we found this "magic" tree.. it looked awesome and was great fit for the mood I was looking for to create. It does look like a beautiful farytail :) ​


She is simply amazing :) ​


And of course my favorite Jump shots :) ​


Reading on a forest swing ...  what can be more relaxing and beautiful :) ​

New Spring... New life... New dreams...

A few months ago when I met my dear friend for some coffee and girl chatting... she broke an amazing news... :) she was on her new path... new chapter ... of becoming a mom. I was so happy for her! She is on her mid second trimester now and ​we decided to get that little one to modeling industry already... You know.. it's always good to start with that early :) 

We both agreed that idea of swing in a spring woods will be perfect for that :)  ( and it was) Her husband participated and made this lovely swing...  ( I"ll post some images of us getting ready) we all had an awesome time! Here are the photos ... ​

Enjoy! :) ​


She looks angelic! ​


We had to scout woods to find a good branch for this idea :)  as we all know NC mainly has pines.. which means not much good branches ... but we did found a few trees!! ha! other then pines :) were so happy!!!


Dad to be did a great job too :)


Love love love!!! this woodsy look...  :) ​

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These are I PHONE photos.. ha... so don't judge their quality to strict :) ​

Getting ready is one of the best and funnest part... seriously! ​And of course very important part :) That's where and where the magical shots are getting created and thought through :) that's when me and my beautiful and! handsome models are having really great time setting things up, being silly and goofy... just having a great time.  Dad to be put that swing up from the first try!! Just one throw and the robe landed exactly where it supposed to! WOW! we were so impressed! Great job Errol! 


Did I even told I am HORRIFIED of snakes! and... on the way to this location I almost passed out with all my photo gear :-/   This creature was right in front of me blocking my way... and you know what! I turned to be really brave! Nothing! Not even snake could stop me ... if I was on a photo mission! Yep.. that' s how serious I am about my photoshoots ... lol


And... that's how we ended up ... my cutey pie came over and... of course she had to finish the phooshoot with her pretty self on that swing :)  ​

Sweet little angel

Haven't gone to shoot in one of my favorite spots for a while. It's amazing! No matter when we are going there all the photos turning out just awesome! I love my magic woods. This little model knows every move ... She is so fluent with her moves in of the camera... lol.. Not surprising.. she's been model ever since she was day 1 :)​


Love shopping in Gap for her outfits.. one of my favorite stores for kids clothes :))​ @GAP #gap @babygap #kids #photography


That was one of the funnest part of the shoot :) She loved jumping on and off this tree trunk . Made we wish we had one of those in our yard lol


Thank you GAP for creating such a beautufl outfits for little ones! I love love love everything there! Have piles of amazingly awesome things from your store!!! :) @GAP



Spring... Chocolate... Tea... Love...

I love tea... always did... Maybe it's an European thing but I can spent quite a few hours with my (quite a few) cups of tea chatting with friends :) And it's not necessarily a girl chatting. It's a good company chatting.. whoever they may be :) ​

And... there' no secret I LOVE chocolate lol... always did as well. Actually I loved it way more before. Thanks god my insane Chocolate Love faded a bit lol :)​

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Isn't spring one of the best times of the year!? I feel like I am waking up along with everything around :) Love it! and really enjoy my morning cup of tea ... ​

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This is one of my favourite tea blends from Teavana @Teavana ​That Tea boutique is simply great! 3tea #teavana

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My Little One is sneaking to grab some chocolate while I'm shooting this images. Can't blame her. This chocolate is delusions! Had to change my "model" quite a few times :) lol   ​#chocolate

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After all chocolate was gone and there were nothing else to shoot I had to go bake! Ha... :) So here they are ... my next "models" were cookies. Luckily,  I had more then enough of those, so ​my little one could enjoy eating them while I was shooting them :)

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We loved both our models :) chocolate and cookies...​

WPPI 2013

WPPI 2013 this was absolutely great! I had an opportunity to meet and chat with all these ( and more!)  very talented photographers. But they are not just talented photographers... they are also awesome people! So enthusiastic, so full of energy and ideas! Just being next to people like that makes makes you more creative and energized!

I hanged out with Photographer I adore!!! Elizabeth Messina OMG I can stare at her images forever! She is so inspiring! So unbelievably talented! LOVE HER!

I also met and talked to Stunning Jasmine Star! I am not sure what I was more stunned by.. her photography or herself! She so gorgeous! from inside and out.​ I literally felt in love with her!

Professional Photographers of America - David Trust, CEO Mark Wallace Metropolitan Bride's Focus on Fabulous by Bambi Cantrell & Dawn Shields Jasmine Star Lindsay Adler Fashion Photography Jerry Ghionis Elizabeth Messina @Professional Photographers of America Scott Kelby

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Lost Princess Natasha

One more photoshoot from last fall that I am finely posting ... It was a busy time and  busy winter. Good thing though all models/clients did get their pictures in time :) So now it's time to share :)

Love the backdrop for this shoot. I've been driving by these massive logs for a while and when eventually I stopped and checked them out they look just perfect for shoots! We both we really happy with location. Love the images :)

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Love the Dreamy look. She played it the best!

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Awesome red wall

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Bath time lol... we just wanted to have some fun ...

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Cold February Cooking Day

I really don't like cold.. never liked and pretty sure never will :( Today is snowing here! Wow! Very very rare thing :) ( its good that it's rare) Plus my little one got sick :( So, we were staying home all day. And do I usually do when I am stock at home for the whole day? I BAKE and cook ha! So, ... I couldn't resist it this time as well. Even my husband got involved. We tried to  cook Russian " Pelemeni"!! for the first time. Well... it was the first time, so the result was not really the greatest. But it was just a begging lol.

Then we made Bread crusted Tilapia, Mushroom Julienne ( Steve's spacial), Roasted vegetables in cheese sauce,  and of course I am backing right now :) Cream cheese and cottage cheese Sochni :)


Fun in the "leaves" with Jenkins family

A "little later post"  but here they are :) beautiful Jenkins family from last fall. I truly enjoyed taking photos of these fun and lively family. Fall is one the best backdrops,... Now when I am going through some of my shoots from last fall I can say if for sure.

But spring is almost here! That's so exiting! Love spring! Can't wait for the new photo season :))

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Aren't they cute?! This two beautiful sisters :)))

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So bright, so colorful, so gorgeous family :)

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Fun with leaves :)

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Queen Kelly

We were planning to get together for some pictures for quite a while with this very beautiful Lady. Well.. she is not just a very beautiful girl, she is also amazing hair and make up artist! I was really amazed by what she can do. After we were done with the photoshoot we played painting faces a little bit and that was so much fun. Hope we'll get to hang out soon again for some more great photos and some make up experience.

This is one of my favorite images from that photoshoot. She looks like true Queen here :)

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I love these woods... Lucky to have it so close to where I live :) Never ending possibilities for phtoshoots. This time I had an idea of making garlands and hanging them of the trees.. were working hard for about 3 days. Thank you to my friend Natasha who came and helped me tying nuts and making ribbons thought the weekend ha! The garlands turned out awesome! The only thing were... we didn't realize the time change  !!! So we met a bit too late :( and had about 30-40 min before the sun went down.

That is not that much time at all for hanging tons of garlands of the trees... So we hanged like 4 of those and rushed to taking phtoos :) Well... after all we do have some great shots!

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This is another of my little creations :) I really wanted to make some misty fallish hair piece. Well... Didn't have much time to sew before this shoot, so I made something nest-like looking ... we pushed in some dry roses in it right when the "nest" was already on Kelly's head. Looks different... I like it :)

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She rocked it ! :)

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In The Mood For Magic (the begginig)

I love to get creative and set some interesting theme for my photoshoots . I want to start a project named " In the Mood for Magic" :) I will try to come up with all kind of ideas to set the "magic" feel :)))

 Here is my first shoot. I love it! The photos came out fantastic! Hope to stage and decorate the scene more next time!

Who wants to get involved please let me know! Looking for more models, hair and make up artists. Everyone will get images and credit! :)

Styled Photoshoot ARE TONS OF FUN!! Arsty people can get really artsy and show what they are capable of! LOVE IT!

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